Utah Health Insurance Association
Utah Health Insurance Association

Why Join UHIA?

Speaking with a common voice on important issues.


As a member company of the UHIA, your company will be a part of and contribute to the industry's ability to speak with one unified voice on issues of common concern. The UHIA's member companies provide quality health care coverage to more than 1.2  million Utah residents. Thus when the UHIA speaks on issues, Utah's state legislators,  the media, consumers, providers, and employers listen.


Receiving timely information.


The UHIA has a proven track record of representing the industry before policymakers, state administrative and regulatory bodies.  UHIA also meets monthly with the Insurance Commissioner - minutes of these meetings are archived in the "UHIA Member only" section of this website. Member companies receive critical information on time-sensitive matters, including status reports and summaries of key bills and regulatory updates. UHIA publishes a comprehensive legislative wrap-up document at the end of each legislative session. To review past summaries, go to "Legislative Wrap-Ups" found in "UHIA Member only" of this website.


Supporting Grassroots Activities.


The UHIA works with its member companies to ensure that the healthcare community is heard. This objective is achieved by mobilizing employees and employers. The industry's message is carried to elected officials through the coordination of periodical visits to the Capitol by health care professionals, employer groups, and health plan members.


Participating in legislative committees and working groups.
Multiple opportunities for input on legislative and regulatory policies are afforded UHIA members through the UHIA governing structure and by involvement in a myriad of working groups and committees.
Providing Online Services.
The UHIA is online and provides member companies with easy access to publications, materials, and information.
Communicating positions effectively. 


The UHIA staff works closely with communication professionals within member companies to help unify the industry's voice on important issues and subjects. Staff members work to anticipate and respond to attacks and misinformation from the media, the public, and other outside forces. Member companies are provided with the model materials, messages, and talking points to communicate the industry's position effectively.
Researching issues.

The UHIA staff conducts research on policy initiatives, as well as summarizing important studies conducted by other organizations and makes this information available to members in a timely fashion.
Publishing UHIA's actions.
The UHIA members receive publications including our weekly legislative minutes. The past meeting minutes are archived in "UHIA Member only" section of this website.

FACTS About U.S. Health Care: Americans have better access to treatment for chronic diseases than patients in other developed countries.[3]  Some 56 percent of Americans who could benefit are taking statins, which reduce cholesterol and protect against heart disease.  By comparison, of those patients who could benefit from these drugs, only 36 percent of the Dutch, 29 percent of the Swiss, 26 percent of Germans, 23 percent of Britons and 17 percent of Italians receive them. 

WELCOME. This website is intended to assist employers, insured individuals, uninsured individuals, legislators, executive branch members, regulators and the media in navigating today’s health care system. We thank you for visiting our site and welcome your suggestions on how to make the site more user-friendly.




EMI Health

Equitable Life and Casualty

Molina Healthcare of Utah

Regence BlueCross BlueShield


WMI Mutual Insurance Company

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